Music Distance Learning for April 16

Hello friends and families – hope all are well and managing this week both off and online. I wanted to let you know that I will start next week posting on Mondays, instead of Thursdays – which will be easier for some of the upper grades. Last week’s post invited you to think about emotions […]

Fifth Grade Garageband Projects with Shel Silverstein

This fifth grade music project involved choosing a Shel Silverstein poem, one rich with visual and aural images. Students recorded their narrations into the Garageband program, then explored and strategized to include music and sound ideas to enhance the poem’s mood and imagery in compelling ways. They created a “score” or cue sheet to plan […]

5th Grade Endangered Animal Compositions

Here are our completed Endangered Animal Compositions from 5th grade music – In January we started with improvising on percussion instruments. Then in March we graduated to writing rhythms/notes and putting them together. See if you can guess what the composer envisioned the animal doing when they composed their piece!